Exploring Fabius Township and St. Joseph County, Michigan, with side trips all over this Great Lakes state

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

the yellows of summer for ABC Wednesday

 Last round of ABC Wedneday, Y fell in winter,  in January in fact, and I showed you the yellow glow of kitchen lights viewed from the outside on a cold winter day.  Now I take You on a tour of yellows from the warm days of late June on Lake Michigan.

Did I tell you that this western shore of Michigan (the eastern shore of the lake) is called the Third Coast?  The other two coasts may have their New Yorks and Montereys, but our coast has the largest collection of fresh water dunes in the world according to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.  Learn more about all the shores of Lake Michigan in this Wikipedia article.

EnjoY manY more Y's at ABC WednesdaY.