Exploring Fabius Township and St. Joseph County, Michigan, with side trips all over this Great Lakes state

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

On the rOcks

H2O, that is, On the rOcks for O-day on ABC Wednesday.  Obvious One, fOr sOmeOne living in a Great Lakes State.  And it was the H2O Of Our lakes that made the natiOnal news last night.  Winds whipped the water into waves that spewed Over the light hOuses and brOught people and repOrters tO the beaches tO view them.  The Chihuly glass in Grand Rapids was nOt harmed (fOr thOse Of yOu whO tOOk a lOOk at yesterday’s blOg and wOndered the OutcOme!  Maybe they tOOk B2s suggestiOn and used ScOtch tape to secure them!) .  And thOugh tOrnadOs were spOtted all around us, they didn’t gain the strength to do great harm here in SW Michigan.
Let’s gO nOw tO celebrate mOre O’s with the Outstanding lOvers of O at ABC Wednesday!  Oh my, O is an Outstanding vOwel and ObiquitOus..........


  1. What a fun/beautiful post for the O Day! A really superb photo. And, yes, does rock! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!


  2. Glad you weathered that horrible storm - thanks for visiting and commenting on my "o" post!

  3. great pic, but I imagine they're slippery and dangerous.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  4. Hee! O-riginal idea for the day!

  5. That was quite a storm that moved through your area - gorgeous photo! Glad the Chihuly glass survived, too.

  6. Good to hear that you didn't get blown to Kansas like Dorothy.

  7. What a gorgeous photo! You had a much worse storm than we did and we aren't that far east of you!
    The power of nature is incredible!
