Exploring Fabius Township and St. Joseph County, Michigan, with side trips all over this Great Lakes state

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Nimbostratus for ABC Wednesday

I was feeling like a numskull.  I had neglected to even negotiate my way through the N’s in the dictionary and I was very nervous.  Here it was Wednesday morning and I had no new entry for ABC Wednesday, nary a one, nada, nichevo.  I had the notion to skip doing an N-blog, but then I really did not have the nerve to break the nexus with the ABC gang.  That wasn’t the notoriety I craved.  So stop being a nattering nabob of negativity, knuckle down and nab a dictionary, I said to myself.   So I did!

And next thing I knew there was the word I needed and I even had a photo to illustrate it.
This nimbostratus cloud (a low dark cloud that precipitates rain, sleet, or snow) appeared one day when we were in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan just a month ago.  You are viewing Lake Superior from Shelter Bay and it could certainly be raining over Au Train Island.

Please do not neglect checking out the numerous contributions to N-Day on


  1. Great photo! One could make a maxicard, with a concordant stamp. :)

  2. Two wonderful pictures. Love all the colours in the top one. Amazing. Great read too. :) Nice to meet you.

  3. I will try to remember the name of these cloud. I don't see this often since I live in the south east of MI. Great shot!


  4. Fantastic shot of those nimbostratus!! beautiful.

    N is for...

  5. yes, we ABCers would have been upset sans your wit and wisdom, and you came through!

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  6. ooh complete with virga. That's a word for V-day, if someone has made one :-)
    You are our "subject" on the dailyphoto, you might recognize some of the co-conspirators. Joan was there too.

  7. Cool shot and you don't need to feel like a numbskull at all! :)

  8. I love those clouds in the distance where you can actually SEE the rain coming down. Beautiful shot.

  9. Wonderful sky photo and clever narrative! Glad you didn't just skip posting!!!

  10. You do such a fine job of word play in the ABC Wednesday posts!

    Studebaker had a "Model N" under development for 1953, but it was killed when management decided instead to produce Bob Bourke's design for 1953. Management left Bourke's stellar Starliner hardtop alone, but mucked up the sedans by insisting that they be foreshortened and stuffed onto a smaller wheelbase than what Bourke designed for the car. A pity, because the design didn't work very well on the small wheelbase...

  11. Wonderful photograph and word for the letter N. I also love your intro for the letter O on the ABC homepage.
