Beth from Corey Lake Orchards showed me this section of woods next to one of the vineyards and just last night I learned that it is part of a friend's 25 acres. Pictured of course are the marvelous trillium. I have never seen so many in one place, and we have even traveled up to Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore to see as many as we could! This is the woods of the Squirrel Corn and Spring Beauty and tomorrow I will post the Jack in the Pulpit.
This morning on our walk Willow and I searched the cornfields for the cranes (Sand Hill). We could see them in the distance along with a lone deer. But I couldn't get close enough for a good photo.
A pair had flown over us as we stood in the driveway yesterday talking to a friend whose tomato seedlings we had been babysitting while she was away for the weekend. I did not have my camera with me. Drats!
We have Trillium all over our yard in Mi. I have yet to see it in bloom. Sorry to see what I am missing.